Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine based in nature. Spiritual at its core, its cosmology is the descending of consciousness into matter. Ancient Ayurvedic texts refer to Ayurveda as “the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond.”- Charaka
We are honored to be graced by the knowledge, skill and good intentions of Dr. Jagdish Bhutada from Pune India.
He is a highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic doctor, now the Founder and Head of the residential “Ayurveda Panchkarma with Yoga” program at the Kaivalyadhama Institute.
Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Jagdish is known for his expertise in the art of Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, or Nadi Vigyan. This retreat is a special opportunity here in the United States to be in an intimate setting with, while having the undivided attention of, a true Ayurvedic Doctor who has been practicing for over thirty years.
He will give educational lectures on the Yogic and Ayurvedic sciences, guide Yogic and Ayurvedic practices, while bringing the group through a safe and nourishing cleanse using healthy meals and herbs that will detoxify the system.
Each person will receive a short pulse reading as well. Longer pulse diagnosis will be offered during the retreat at a small additional cost for those interested.
During a pulse reading, your Ayurvedic specialist gently places an index, middle and ring finger on the hollow beneath the wrist and monitors the characteristics of the pulse under each finger.
Vata Dosha can be felt under the index finger, Pitta Dosha under the middle finger and Kapha Dosha under the ring finger.
When someone is greatly skilled in the understanding of the great subtlety of nature they can detect profound underlying causes to the condition of a person.
Dr. Jagdish has a very special gift, is deeply intuitive and has helped a myriad of people through these Ayurvedic ways.
You will rejuvenate and leave feeling lighter and more informed on your life path.
Dr. Jagdish Bhutada is a highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic doctor from Pune India, now the Founder and Head of the residential “Ayurveda Panchkarma with Yoga” program in Kaivalyadhama. Dr. Jagdish finished his studies from Pune University, and later completed Ayurvedacharya (B.A.M.S.) and Panchakarma Specialist (D.P.C.), Ayurved Snatak (Gurukul method). Kaivalyadhama is one of the oldest and foremost scientific Yoga research institutes in the world hosting Yoga Teacher Trainings, Higher Education in the Yogic Sciences and having a Healing Center based in Yoga/Ayurveda, Dr. Jagdish is also running Ayurveda Therapy at their Mumbai location as well as in his own clinic in Pune & Mumbai. He has visited most of Europe and the Pan-Asia region as a sought-after figure on Ayurveda, giving workshops, lectures, boot camps, and short courses in universities, hospitals, and among private groups, hundreds of people have benefited from his unique way of not only treating Ayurveda as a prevention on disease base, but aiming more on the holistic approach to a well-balanced living. It is blended with Ayurvedic principles, ancient Indian philosophies, and his own understanding of life.
Price range from $1000 for camping to $2099 for Private Luxury Room Per Person
All prices include Accommodations, Course Material & Organic Vegan Meals.
*Limited work trade/financial assistance available
This Retreat, located in the womb of the California Sierra Nevada Mountains, is one of our specialized experiences.